When to Move From Assisted Living To Memory Care

At first, it could appear to be simply another senior moment. Perhaps your dad is beginning to struggle more with routine tasks at his assisted living facility. A team member phones to let you know that he hasn’t been taking part in events because he can’t keep track of the time or find his way […]

How to Talk to your Parents About Getting In-Home Care

As our parents age, certain hard truths must be accepted by us as children: good health is a limited resource, and our parents can no longer perform all the tasks they once could. On some level, we have always been aware of these realities. Unfortunately, we are forced to deal with our aging parents. Their […]

How older People Can Enjoy the Benefits of Improved Mobility

Many of us treasure the memories of our childhoods spent running, jumping, and participating in physical games with our parents. There were times when it seemed impossible for them to keep up with our unlimited energy. I wish it would go on forever! In actuality, aging itself has a negative impact on our capacity for […]

10 Summertime Safety Tips for Older People

Seniors are more likely to get sick or harmed by the heat. Because older adults do not sweat as much as younger ones do, which is the body’s most vital heat-regulating process, our bodies become less effective as we age at controlling temperature. Further complicating the body’s ability to regulate temperature is the way that […]